Name : PTG Energy Public Company Limited
Head office address : 90 CW Tower A, 33rd Floor, Ratchadaphisek Road, Huaykwang, Bangkok, Thailand 10310
Type of business :
  1. Fuel retailing at petrol stations managed by the Company (COCO petrol stations).
  2. Fuel wholesaling to
    1) dealers for sales at petrol stations managed by such dealers (DODO petrol stations),
    2) Other petrol traders, and
    3) Industrial operators that need fuel in business operations.
  3. Fuel logistics services
Registration no. : 0107538000703
Telephone : 0 2168 3377 - 88
Facsimile : 0 2168 3379, 0 2168 3389
Homepage :
Amount and type of total shares issued and paid : 1,670,000,000 ordinary shares (as of December 31, 2016)
Par value : 1 Baht per share
  • About PTG
  • About PTG Energy
  • Our Vision & Missions
  • Our Core Values
  • Board of Directors
  • Tank Farms
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  • Rewards
  • Terms and Details
  • Products & Services
  • Quality & Standard
  • Petroleum & Gasoline
  • Logistics
  • Convenient Stores
  • Pun Thai Coffee

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  • PTG Franchise and Station Rental
  • PTG Procurement Opportunity
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